Friday, August 25, 2006

Pull Out, Town Committees Tell Lieberman

Hampton Democratic Town Committee

An Open Letter to Sen. Joe Lieberman

Here is the text of the resolution. Thank you again for lending your name to this important letter.

Dear Senator Lieberman:

On August 8th, Connecticut Democrats voted in record numbers in our State Primary. We expected that when the results were determined, we would all stand united as Democrats behind the winning candidate for the Senate. Sadly, that seems not to be true in your case. By your refusal to help unify the Democratic Party in support of the duly endorsed candidate, you show disrespect for all Connecticut Democrats.

Additionally, by choosing this course of action, you will be singularly responsible for drawing attention, resources, and ultimately votes away from our strong Democratic candidates who are running for the House of Representatives. The notoriety engendered by your independent candidacy will overshadow this all important Congressional campaign. Clearly you must realize the importance of the Democrats regaining a majority in the House of Representatives.

As leaders of the Democratic Party in our Communities, we are committed to changing the course in Washington. We want to help put an end to the failed policies of the Bush administration and the Republican-controlled Senate and House by electing Democrats. By your choosing to be self-serving and remain a candidate, you are standing in the way of our efforts.

Now, more than ever, Democrats must unite in support of Ned Lamont, who is the endorsed Democratic candidate for the Senate from Connecticut.

PLEASE WITHDRAW quickly and gracefully.


Mary Oliver

Hampton DTC Chair

Co Signed:

Ashford, Jean McCarthy, Chair
Brooklyn, Mark Broulliard, Chair
Canterbury, Braith Kelly, Chair
Chaplin, Irene Schein, Chair
Coventry, Dorothy Grady, Chair
Eastford, Arvind Shaw, Co-Chair
Griswold, Richard J. Duda, Chair
Groton, Liz Duarte, Chair
Killingly, Mae Flexer, Chair
Lisbon, Gilbert Millone, Chair
New London, Anthony Basilica, Chair
North Stonington, William Hescock, Chair
Pomfret, Tim McNally, Chair
Tolland, SaraBeth Nivison, Chair
Vernon Thomas DiDio, Chair
Willington, Robert Jellen & Mark Palmer, Co-Chairs
Windham, Dawn Niles, Chair

State Central Committee Member, Gloria Collins


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