Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Even More Enfield Comments

The enfield Democrats are completely corrupt, they dole out favors through the planning and zoning comm.anthony depace is the enforcer for big anthony troiano,.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 10/16/2006 07:18:07 PM

This is only the tip of the ice berg regarding enfields corrupt democrats, unbelievable that the corruption would lead them to attack nuns, God bless you for bringing this to light.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 10/16/2006 11:51:40 PM

Andy. you are dead on, dont let up, alot of people are cheering you on, right now enfield is infested with corruption, everything you have said is true, and you have named some key players in the corruption, I will be contacting you soon with some information I think you will be very interested in.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 10/16/2006 11:54:52 PM

I would suggest that you investigate a lot of the decisions made by the planning and zoning commision, the town council controls the zoning commision, they appoing the members, therefore if you control the council, you control the zoning commision, I know for a fact that the democrats have used the zoning commision to reward allies, this is just the tip of the ice berg. Look at the gigantic building big frank was allowed to build on elm st. Look a little out of place??? A few years earlier an application was denied for Sam Hubster to sell the property to cvs so they could put a cvs where enfield federals new bank is, forcing Sam not to sell it to cvs, Than along comes Big … Troiano, he buys it and anything goes there, like I said just the tip of the iceberg. Keep digging, you will find alot more. Troiano, Tallarita, Dipace, just the beginning, theirs a lot more involved, though they are the leaders of corruption.

Wow, Tallaita is such a con man....he says ""People don't see the separation of powers," he town council, which is controlled by his democrats, appoint the planning zoning board, thats a separation of powers? okkkkkk tell us another one, how stupid does he think we are? If there is a God, he is surely not happy with the abuse the nuns are being subjected to, at the hands of the enfield democrats greed and corruption.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 10/17/2006 12:24:13 AM

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