Monday, October 30, 2006

Great Performances About York Women At Charter Oak

"Time-In" Multi-Media Presentation about Incarcerated Women
Nov. 2, 3 & 4
7:30 PM
Charter Oak Cultural Center
21 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford

Based on a multi-arts residency at York Correctional Institution
for women in Niantic, Connecticut, "Time In" explores the complicated
landscape of these women's lives - mothers, daughters, wives,
many with battered histories of physical and sexual abuse, drugs,
street life, good women making bad choices who reflect on time
as experienced in prison.

The Judy Dworin Performance Ensemble joins
acappella gospel singing group Women of the Cross
in this blend of dance, storytelling, and song
that challenges our assumptions about incarceration and provokes,
evokes, and surprises.

Novelist Wally Lamb, who leads a writing group at the prison,
will introduce the opening night, and following each performance
there will be talkbacks with both the performers and former York inmates
- some contributors to Wally Lamb's
"Couldn't Keep it to Myself: Stories of Our Imprisoned Sisters."

$20 general admission, $10 seniors,
Charter Oak & Let's Go! Members, $5 students.


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Great work!
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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Good design! |