Monday, September 24, 2007

Leave The Sisters Alone

Take Your Historic Grasses
And Beat It

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Montessori Parking Lot At State Supreme Court":

Here's another major waste of Enfield taxpayers' monies. Leave
the Felician Sisters alone. They've operated a school there for many decades.

If their neighbor, the Troianos, have a problem with the school's parking lot, they should move and take their "historical" grasses with them.

This isn't much of a historical district since they permitted medical offices to be built across the street. And there are runned-down multi-family dwellings across from old post office.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 9:44 AM

Why are they after the nuns
at Enfield taxpayers expense?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Montessori Parking Lot At State Supreme Court":

Troiano's spend most of their time either at their home in R.I. or Fl. Why are they after the nuns at Enfield taxpayers expense, and they don't even pay taxes on their cars!! Why are we paying their legal fees? What do they give back to the cummunity? How much money do they donate to worthwhile causes? Yet they brag about how much money they have. They have no class!!

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 5:19 PM

  • Montessori Parking Lot At State Supreme Court

  • Corruption Probe Expands

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