Sunday, November 11, 2007

Author Dave Lindorff On Stuff The Government Doesn't Want Us To Know

Editor's Note: Unfortunately we missed the appearances by author Dave Lindorff in West Hartford and on the Colin McEnroe show last month. Lindorff spoke about news stories suppressed by the corporate media and the possibility of martial law in the United States.

Award-winning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff has been working as a journalist for 34 years. A regular columnist for CounterPunch, he also writes frequently for Extra! and Salon magazine, as well as for Businessweek, The Nation and Treasury & Risk Magazine. In the late 1970s, he ran the Los Angeles Daily News bureau covering Los Angeles County government, and in the mid-'90s, spent several years as a correspondent in Hong Kong and China for Businessweek. Over the years he has written for such publications as Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, Village Voice, Forbes, The London Observer and the Australian National Times.

Co-author, along with Barbara Olshansky, of The Case for Impeachment: Legal Arguments for Removing President George W. Bush from Office (St. Martin's Press, June 2006 and paperback 2007), he is also the author of three earlier books--This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy (Common Courage Press, 2004), Marketplace Medicine: The Rise of the For Profit Hospital Chains (Bantam, 1992), an investigative report on the for-profit hospital industry, and Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal (Common Courage Press, 2003), the only independent examination of this important capital case.

A two-time Fulbright Scholar (Shanghai, China and Kaohsiung, Taiwan), he is a 1975 graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and received a B.A. in Chinese in 1972 from Wesleyan University. In October 2004, he was awarded a coveted "Most Censored Story of 2003" award by Project Censored (for his Oct. 16, 2003 story in Salon about the Pentagon's quiet efforts to gear up the machinery for a return to the draft). A founding member of the National Writers Union, and a member of the steering committee of the NWU Philadelphia local, for nine years, he has lived with his harpsichordist wife Joyce and son Jed just outside Philadelphia. His daughter Ariel is a high school math teacher in Brooklyn, NY.

In addition to writing, Lindorff is an accomplished folk musician (guitar, vocals and saw).

  • Dave On Colin McEnroe Show
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