Sunday, December 02, 2007

Pending Tax Increase For Litchfield Courtesy Of Kuhne, Brickload et al

Note Attorneys Fees section in this federal law:

Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000, aka RLUIPA.

RLUIPA is a federal statute that was passed in 2000 to provide stronger protection for religious freedom in the land-use and prison contexts.

RLUIPA has since been asserted in dozens of lawsuits, prompting widespread media coverage and scholarly attention.

  • Full Text Of RLUIPA

  • RLUIPA Web Site

  • Jordanian Immigrant's View Of Litchfield Hysterical District Commission

  • 1 comment:

    Authentic Connecticut Republican said...

    Actually - The American Center for Law and Justice has used RLUIPA repeatedly; and inclusive of it, as well as other laws (such at that troublesome U.S. Constitution) has won over 28,000 land-use cases.

    It seems Litchfield has no exclusivity as it regards bigotry or idiots!

    This whole thing has to be quite embarrassing to the vast majority of Litchfield residents.