Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hear No Evil, See No Evil ...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blogosphere Blitzkrieg With Enfield Comments":

>>>Excuse me, but shouldn't the Enfield Town Council have done something about these so-call scandals, and sooner? As opposed to passing the buck along now, as it being a Town Manager problem?"
>>No, not at all. The responsibility for town staff management by Charter lies with the town manager. Any councilman meddling in that business is subject to removal.

Excuse me, but the Town Council is elected by the people, to represent the people. appears Charter needs revising if it doesn't speak to this. If Council "sees" something wrong, they have a moral obligation to do or say something.

This "see no evil, hear no evil,
speak no evil" philosophy is a major cop out. If Council isn't part of the solution, then they're part of the problem. Plain and simple.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 5:41 AM

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blogosphere Blitzkrieg With Enfield Comments":

>>>You need to find a new bogeyman in Enfield. These posts are nothing more than tiresome and mundane, often barely coherent, griping. There's got to be some interesting dirt out there. Please find it.

a tad sensitive now, aren't we? there's more dirt in Enfield than there are brooms and shovels to clean it up. pick a topic: tipper barrels fiasco, BOE audit fiasco, rising property taxes, # of foreclosures, $ million bike path to town dump, a gated Scantic River access point, businesses closing left &right in town, water damaged high school, lighted ballfields.

and these are just the ones that have been brought to light on this blog. there's likely a dozen more left to uncover. Sherlock Holmes would have a field day!

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 5:03 AM

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