Sunday, March 16, 2008

On The Ascension Of Tony The Bush

Readers Speak

Many Democrats regard DiPace's involvement with the nuns as that of a loyal stooge, rather than as a mastermind. They believe he did what Pat Tallarita and Tony Troiano wanted him to do. There is an attitude that when DiPace was kicked off P&Z, "He took it on the chin for the rest of us."

Loyalty is the coin of the realm in relationship-based politics. DiPace's election signals the triumph of the Old Guard.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tony The Bush New Dem Boss For Enfield":

Democrats of Enfield seek help. Help is available. There are support groups for the abused.

First, you stand silently while your past leaders mistreat the Felician Sisters. Forcing the Sisters to go all the way to the Supreme Court of CT.

Now, you elect the front person of that embarrassing, costly, legal debacle as your leader.

Are you being intimated? Being manipulted? Humiliated?
What prevents you from changing leadership?

Seek help.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 1:25 PM

  • Tony The Bush New Dem Boss For Enfield

    Anonymous said...

    Enfield Dems are already the laughing stock of the town politics. Haven't they learned anything from their embarassing losses in the Nov elections? Guess not. And their latest appointment will be yet another reason why they won't win in the future.

    Who wants someone, who was known for "bullying" the good Sisters, and served as the mouthpiece for former mayor and another neighbor, to be heading up their political party?

    Just when ya think things couldn't get any lower for the Enfield Democrats, they manage to find a way to dig a deeper hole for themselves. The scariest part, is that these guys just don't get it. They're delusional.

    Anonymous said...

    Whats your bet that with DiPace now leading the D's that P.Tallarita will get back on the town committee? I'm just patiently watching in the wings. Some on the Dem. Town Comm. do understand how hurtful this is to the committee, I've heard it already. Good news for the Republicans in Town, though!

    Anonymous said...

    Did you hear that last night the republicans reelected Mary Ann Turner unanimously? What's their secret sauce?

    Enfield's a democratic town and has always been so. Why are the republicans winning the way they are? Don't people care about the schools?

    "Confused Democrat"

    Anonymous said...

    The news is big tony threw a major tantrum at his first town meeting. The committee people were running for the door! Now he tells his friends and customers everything is OK becuase his close friend and last chairman is helping make him be a good guy.
    Now Jarmoc's JI article says she pulled away fearing issues in her party. The odds are big tony is one of the issues that scared her back to the state representative seat.

    Where is Roxy when we need him.