Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bottled Water Tab Issue Raised By Reader

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Guess It All Depends On Who Your Neighbor Is ...":

yeah, saw that piece last night in JI about some Enfield BOE members drinking a case of bottled water at their meetings. charged to BOE acct.

these are some of the same members who preach about fiscal responsibility. one is even running for 58th district seat against Cocoa's sister. talk about a double standard. they claim to be saving money, but they can't drink tap water.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 11:33 AM

  • Guess It All Depends On Who Your Neighbor Is ...

    Anonymous said...

    talk about a "water gate" scandal?
    one BOE member wanted someone to bring them pitchers of water, and then clean up afterwards. what a bunch. i say get your own water, and clean up after yourself. sound like some prima donnas. and where's their fiscal responsibility? wonder what Cocoa's sister thinks of all this. Enfield's BOE "water gate" may help her reelection hopes.

    Anonymous said...

    I am glad to see that so much time is wasted on such important matters. They put on a good show. I like the chairmans remark on how the children and programs are going to be hurt if the council cuts the budget bt 600,000. Give me a break out of 71 mill. that amounts to beans. There is so much waste with so many of these programs, if as much time and effort was put into "actual " teaching, the kids would all be Einsteins. Don't get me wrong the kids need a good education but the operations of the town should not have to revolve around them.
    But water is the main issue I guess. With all these concerns about propriety, how is it the board chair has a side business that concerns the schools and they charge a fee. Looking at the website he doesn't seem to have much faith in what the schools are doing,and yet we talk about water.

    Anonymous said...

    Cut out bottled water (Dem initiative), paper isn't necessary in schools (Peruta), $5 million teacher's contract - we do it for the children (Lombardo) audit committee to review $71 million budget (Hozempa) - priceless!

    My money is on Hozempa.

    Anonymous said...

    "My money is on Hozempa.'

    your $ is on Hozempa, or you're willing to give Hozempa some $$?

    Anonymous said...

    *talk about a "water gate" scandal? one BOE member wanted someone to bring them pitchers of water, and then clean up afterwards. what a bunch. i say get your own water, and clean up after yourself. sound like some prima donnas. and where's their fiscal responsibility?*

    i agree Bob cept for the prima donna idea. By the democratic process we elected all of em. o well.

    wait! i know, we tally how much dough is spent on each board member for water and make em claim it as income or we report em to the irs. yeah yeah. better better, see if it goes over the 100 dollar limit. oh right, been there done that. who cares, a good idea last forever, no? i think we have em here! boy oh boy are they in trouble!

    god bless all who serve. even the bad ones. they put themselves out there for enlightened ones to ridicule. everyone needs a hobby.

    anyone for bloging on taxes-tville-the town budget-the war-the next president-amann for gov'ner-traffic cameras on i95-rockville savings-a dog park-the best pizza in enfield-the existence of God-feeding the poor-nato-the lame duck pres-jarmoc against kissel-burlington's freedom of speech case-the town charter-term limits-election finance reform-the weather-john mccain-global warming-property tax reform-violence in the schools-the fed's bailout of bear stearns and the financial institutions-foi-the controversy over veal-hillary's sniper fire memories-the legacy of martin luther king on this very very special day? or we can stay with the water thing and waste valuable minutes off our already short lives. your call bob.

    Anonymous said...

    "god bless all who serve. even the bad ones. they put themselves out there for enlightened ones to ridicule. everyone needs a hobby."

    that's their choice. no one is forcing them to run or serve. if they can't take the heat, get the heck out of the kitchen. and if they're foolish enough to be dripping in flamables, they kinda deserve it when things go up in smoke.

    thankfully the world is full of people who like to "dig" as a hobby cuz many crimes have been uncovered by someone's digging.

    Anonymous said...

    -----your call bob-----

    Hey Bob, Pick a subject or two and let's get this going. This was the best rant I've seen since Dennins Miller on SNL. Come on Bob, pick one.

    Anonymous said...

    who the heck is "bob"?

    I'll talk "T-ville", if anyone is interested ..... my vote for best pizza is Ann's

    Anonymous said...

    Who the heck is Bob?

    Blogging Bob knows who he is. He's unique; easy to spot in a crowd.

    Anonymous said...

    FYI...the bottled water belongs to the Town Council. They have it delivered to Town Hall (to lazy to go to Costco and pick up a case) for their meetings. The BOE is charged by the Council by the bottle (about 1.50 per). The BOE Chair reports consumption. Get out the spreadsheets and calculate how much TOWN money is wasted buying cases of water from a service, paying to have it delivered, keeping an inventory, invoicing the board, and transfering the money. I'd say the BOE shouldn't be the only focus of "water gate", keep on eye on the Council. They talk a good game but do the "walk the talk"? The BOE just happened to get caught on during a slow news day. Count on the JI to keep us informed on the big issues, important issues. As for Hozempa...she drinks the water too! Another one who needs walking lessons.