People Against Injustice Forum:
After 16 years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit, George Gould and Ron Taylor were freed by a conscientious judge.

You have an opportunity to hear the story firsthand and to meet George and Ron, Investigator O’Donnell and Ron’s Habeas Attorney Peter Tsimbidaros.
Saturday, November 6, 2 - 4 p.m.
New Haven Public Library, 133 Elm St.
Info: Mary (203) 387-7858
'Free' After 16 Years Of Wrongful Incarceration,
State of CT Forces Them To Wear GPS Devices
Gould now lives in New Haven, and Taylor in Cheshire, but they are forced to wear GPS devices around their ankles and are forbidden to leave the state. Asked why, attorney Tsimbidaros said he is unsure.
"Call the state's attorney's office," he said. "They wanted to keep them in prison (until) the time of their appeal."
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