Public Records Notice
Filed Today With NOPD Superintendent;
Column Documents
Shocking & Abysmal Failures
In Gabe Caporino Case
NEWS ITEM: The first in a series of requests for public records in the Gabe Caporino Missing Person / Homicide Cover-Up was hand-delivered today to the office of New Orleans Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas. Officer Darnell Saunders accepted the public records compliance notice. A copy of that request follows this column, published today by The Register Citizen of Torrington, CT, a Journal Register publication.
“We musn’t fear sunlight just because it almost always serves to illuminate a miserable world.”-- Rene Magritte, Belgian artist
“People kill each other everywhere. The difference was that in New Orleans, no one tried to stop them.”-- Claire Dewitt and the City of the Dead, Sara Gran
Request For Public Records
In Missing Person / Homicide Case
Wed., 8-17-11
Mr. Ronal Serpas
Police Superintendent, New Orleans
715 South Broad St.
New Orleans, LA 70119-7494
Dear Superintendent Serpas:
This is a formal request for prompt production of documents in compliance with the state of Louisiana public records laws: “If the public record applied for is immediately available … the public record shall be immediately presented … ”
I request any and all records and documents -- paper, electronic or otherwise -- related to the disappearance / homicide of Gabe Caporino.
As you know, Gabe Caporino of Westchester, NY, a General Foods executive and U.S. Navy veteran, disappeared on March 7, 1974 during a business trip to New Orleans. The late Mr. Caporino, declared dead in 1979, was a production supervisor for General Foods plants around the country, from New Jersey to Texas. His case was the subject of a CBS documentary with reporter Chris Borgen, NYPD narcotics detective, retired. The program aired a number of times on Eye On New York beginning in May 1974. A DVD copy is enclosed for your review.
In the course of my research on this matter, I have come upon two certified letters sent to you last year from Gabe Caporino’s widow requesting the file she viewed briefly under police supervision in 1974. Part of the file was at least three inches thick in 1974.
To amplify on my public records request, it covers any and all public records about this matter in your possession or control, regardless of where they are stored, whether in your office and office computer, home and home computer, storage facility, office of a colleague, etc.
Request For Public Records In Missing Person / Homicide Case, page 2
Particularly, I request that you produce forthwith:
• Documents related to a closed-door meeting with parties including New Orleans police officers, General Foods security director Jack Edward Ison and his colleagues on March 10, 1974. Members of the Caporino family were barred from this crucial meeting in which Jack Edward Ison – a former FBI agent for nine years – and members of your department developed their approach to the case.
• Documents related to the forgery of Gabe Caporino’s Sears credit card several days after his appearance and NOPD follow-up. Store clerk reported three individuals used the card. Clerk recants after visit by New Orleans police officer Roma Ajubita Kent.
• Documents related to the discovery of Gabe Caporino’s rental car March 20, 1974 in a well-travelled section of town by Spain and Rampart streets. Officer Roma Ajubita Kent reports the keys to the car were left untouched – outside, protruding from the car door – for at least a week. Officer Roma Ajubita Kent also states no fingerprints were found in or on the car.
• Documents containing statements by officer Roma Ajubita Kent about Gabe Caporino’s alleged activities during this business trip. Kent detailed these statements in an interview with New York reporter Lou Wein of the Yorktowner newspaper and provided him with documents.
These records I request today include but are not limited to: reports, correspondence memorandums, phone logs, meeting attendance lists and minutes, etc. Please also include documents your department has shared with and / or obtained from other agencies including the FBI, joint task forces, etc.
I am available to pick up these records today or tomorrow. You may reach me by the phone number or email as noted at the top of this correspondence.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Andy Thibault
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