2001 State Poetry Champion Amy Ma [Conard HS, W. Hartford; Wesleyan; CCSU], now a teacher at Hartford's renowned Jumoke Academy, with CT Young Writers Trust Chairman Ravi Shankar, the poet and professor, 3-10-12.
Ma and Shankar facilitated workshops in sports writing, performance poetry and music's enhancement of the learning process. The workshops herald this year's entry deadline of 3-31-12.
In synch with this year's theme, Baby Come Back / Come Back To The Young Writers Trust Because We Need You Now More Than Ever, Ma dropped a $20 bill in an Irish cap. The Trust - which has affirmed the work of 7,000 young poets and writers since 1998, awarding more than $200,000 in prize money - began this year's cycle minus $20,000 from longstanding donors the late Jim Irwin and the Connecticut State University System, impacted by the dwindling state budget.
Upcoming events, including a major fundraiser April 13, are listed below and at the CT Young Writers Trust website, link at the top of this page.
-- Photos by Meg Rivers
for the CT Young Writers Trust

Tenor Saxophonist Frank Kozyra and vocalist DominiQue of The Jen Allen Jazz Combo at Jumoke Academy in Hartford 3-10-12 for workshop on how music enhances the learning process. Teachers and students also participated vigorously in a joint workshop on performance poetry and sports writing, presented by Iyaba Mandingo and Paul Doyle.

By Amy Ma

Jumoke Students With Iyaba Mandingo

Jumoke Students With Paul Doyle
Follow Poster Below....
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Irish Poet & Novelist Geraldine Mills at Rockville High School
Friday, April 13, 2012
Wally Lamb & Marilyn Nelson at The Hartford Club

Vocalist Rachel Perlin

Vocalist Cassie Martin


Alto Saxophonist Lummie Spann Jr.

Matt Dwonsczyk, Bass

Trumpeter Josh Evans

Co-Master of Ceremonies Rand Cooper

Jen Allen with Chairman Ravi, who also served as Co-MC

Happy Ravi and his tie

Drummer Ben Bilello

Iyaba In Performance
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