Monday, October 13, 2014

'The joint was jumpin' -Bob Thiesfield photo gallery #HickoryStickBookshop #moreCOOLJUSTICE 10-10-14

-photos ok for reprint w/ credit to BOB THIESFIELD

- Kris & Jen Allen warm up the crowd

- 'more COOL JUSTICE' is a new collection of hard-hitting essays credited with helping to free a woman unjustly imprisoned for premeditated murder

-'more COOL JUSTICE' author Andy Thibault w/ Jim Smith, president, Connecticut Council on Freedom of Information

- Reporters Isaac Avilucea, Ct Law Trib, & Esteban Hernandez, Register Citizen, check out some books and newspaper clips

- Jake Thibault w/ Fran Keilty, Hickory Stick host / owner

- Author Barbara Parsons, winner of the PEN American/ Newman’s Own First Amendment Award and contributor to 'Couldn’t Keep It To Myself' and 'I’ll Fly Away'

- Reading from 'more COOL JUSTICE'

- Thibault & Parsons

- Hickory Stick's Pat Moody was the point person for the event

- Kerwin Mayers, Hickory Stick co-owner Michael Keilty & Marjorie Morris

- Sherrie Passaro, daughter of Mary Badaracco

- Thibault & Avilucea

  • Hickory Stick Bookshop

  • Hickory Stick FB page

  • WATR interview


  • 1 comment:

    Sandra Parsons, Licensed Private Investigator said...

    As a licensed Private Investigator of 30 years, I found it an honor and a privilege to hear Andre Thibault speak at the Hickory Stick Bookshop on October 10th. His latest book "more Cool Justice" is another example of this man's brilliance and knowledge of the justice system and diversity in the world today. Thank you, Andy.
    Sandra Parsons, Private Investigator