Friday, September 29, 2006

"Scandalous Lies Perpetrated By Nuns" -FROM THE BOOK OF ENFIELD JIMMY

Keep those cards and letters coming.

This is a sampling of recent comments at
The Cool Justice Report:

Just finished throwing your book in the fire. If I read your credentials correctly, you actually did pass the second grade? Hint: Don't use big words if you do not know what they mean!

Hey Mulder, with regard to your conspiracy theory about Enfield; what angers me about your shoddy reporting and ill-attention to the facts is that low-life conspiracy nuts such as yourself, and your "photographer" with the CVS brand Instamatic camera, is that you all are not being more closley surveilled by the FBI. And that your facts are scandalous lies, perpetrated by nuns.Go figure?

What's next on your agenda? Defending convicted pedophile priests from ruthless imprisoned ex-alter boys?

Posted by Jimmy to The Cool Justice Report at 9/28/2006 05:44:26 PM


So glad to hear that the chiefs close and personal friendship with the mayor and Frank Troiano has not clouded his better judgement.

Posted by Anonymous | 4:23 PM

We all know what kind of man you portray yourself to be in these blogs. Your semi-intellectual prostitution is worth a trip to the stocks. But since we are not pilgrims, I guess spitting on you is our only alternative.

But you, The Felician Nuns, you should be ashamed and embarassed that you conspired with this sordid man and perpetarted scandalous lies about decent men and families in our town. These same families that have supported you with time, money and heart.

Felicians, you may have won the legal battle, but you have lost all respect and honor amongst many in this town. There is such a thing as credibility, and neither the Felician Order or you Mr. Thibault have any left to salvage.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:08 PM

Thess comments are making me laugh! The nuns certainly have gained respect, and I think it is sad that you feel so exposed that you don't know what else to do but go after the nuns! That says more than anything. What kind of a catholic are you? Andy you have wit,style and are very entertaining to say the least.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:14 PM

Nuns 44,362 Politicians 5 but who's keeping score. You need some help. Your new technique of egging everyone on to turn over the dirt is just plain dumb. Be careful what you wish for.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:39 PM

I have followed the blog with great interest. If there is filth in the town of Enfield, Mr. Thibault ought to enlighten the rest of the township in court, with an ethics panel, or with someone at the state level. It is only this way that it gets cleaned it up.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:02 PM

The nuns have gained respect? Where are your facts? Donations have dropped off and even the parishes in town have begun to distance themselves from these "holy women". With this spoiled child routine, all they have done is ruin their reputation.

Stope talking to the conspiracy nuts and deal with facts. I am a member of a local parish board, the Felicians, with the help of this dim-witted maniac, have sullied our town and our faith.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:42 AM

Hey misinformed anonymous, there is an ethics board. Everytime a public official renders a decision it is at the scrutiny of the general public, the town counsel, and as many as two (2) review boards. And if that isn't enough, the State's AG has seventeen (17) investigators specifically assigned to track, monitor and investigate municipal dealings, votes and decisions.

If you have got proof, then pen the AG's office and ask for a review. It is called a "free and open democrasy". Else, I suggest you continue to sit on your toilet and expound rumors from your southern orifice.
Posted by Jimmy | 4:50 AM

I just wonder who "Jimmy" is in the grand scheme of things...

And why are the potential dirty people in Enfield all up in arms NOW? WHat are you hiding? What are you afraid of?
Posted by Thing that make me go HMMMMMM | 7:55 AM

Who is Jimmy? I am someone who cannot stomach the thought of these "holier than thou" nuns using a miscreant the likes of Thibault and you to justify thier innuendo and unorthodox approach at maligning decent people. These same people who have supported the Felicians in all they have asked with money, time and heart.

Jimmy is not elected or appointed to any board or commission. Jimmy is just an observer who knows a liar when he sees/hears one. And these nuns, by use of this pseudo-intellectual from Litchfield, have perpetrated a lie that dwarfs the Monica scandal.

Idea? Hold a public forum and have Thibault be the moderator. Openly challenge these elected and appointed offcials based upon the innuendo and hearsay you have used in these blogs.

First; Thibault is a coward and will not particpate. Second; you haven't the fortitude to confront and back up your words. And three; you, Thibault and the Felicians will be exposed for the jealous-riddled liars you are.

Posted by Jimmy | 2:50 PM

What church do you go to since the donations haven't dropped in my church? If the parishes were distancing themselves then why did every parish in Enfield hand out the nuns pflyer and at every mass? You are living in a different Enfield than the rest of us.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:13 PM

Jimmy--Writes like Dave, sounds like Dave must be Dave.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:14 PM
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It should be noted that not all members of the Enfield Planning & Zoning Commission were on the commission when this case started. I know of at least one member who was not on when the suit started and felt strongly against the PZC's position and lawsuit.

In any event, I am glad this is over! Congrats.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:24 PM

Jeanette Tallarita is a kind, generous and honest person. It is a pleasure to know and spend time with her. To throw dirt in her direction is uncalled for, irresponsible, and "Rush Limbaugh-type" journalism.

It has been said that blogs are a coward's way to communicate. If you or anyone has information that can be substantiated, you have a responsibility to step forward now. Otherwise one can only summize that your intentions are less than honorable and this is just hot air.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:00 PM

Your statement "They (the nun's) currently save the town about $350,000 annually in education spending." doesn't add up. Use the correct formula.
Total education budget/the current student population = the cost per student. Use that generally accepted formula with the current number of students and then use it again with the current number of students + 33 (33 is the number of Montessori students who would go to Enfield schools). Get the difference and see that the real savings is (roughly $1500 per student).
Posted by Anonymous | 1:06 PM

You just did the very thing you think is so cowardly to do. To post your comment anonymously makes us think perhaps this was posted by her new business partner or perhaps a family member?
Posted by Anonymous | 5:49 PM

If there's a parking lot directly across the Montessori School, why is this a problem for the school? Also the Enfield St. School has increased its parking space in recent years as well as the Parkway Pavillion. Have they also been harassed? The Felician Sisters had schools in the same location for many years before the Troiano's moved in. Perhaps the Troiano's are the poor sports on this issue since the nuns refused to sell them their property. Let's look at the real culprits in this disgusting problem.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:51 PM

Just opened my mail to another anonymous piece regarding Tallarita, Fredrick, and Troiano. Once again my hands are tied because the person sending me this information doesn't have the nerve for whatever reason to come forward. I know that I was stacked against at PZZ meetings but I did what I felt was right and came forward and spoke. It's now your turn to speak up so that we as a community can stop the political BS that is hurting each and every tax payer while the above mentioned continue to fly under the radar because you are intimidated. If you can send me this information, then why won't you reveal who you are. I am inclined to believe that you are caught between a rock and hard place because of a position that you hold possibly within the town government.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:43 PM

Posted by Anonymous | 1:00

How dare you ever make a statement such as "It has been said that blogs are a coward's way to communicate" after you leave your post sent as anonymous,you and only you are a coward you agree with tallarita becuase you are nothing but a "coward" or a friend of the family. So please "you have a responsibility to step forward now." famous words of your speaking, come forward and identify yourself for all of us to see. Or perhaps this is the infamous Mr. tallarita? Just one more thing i can reccomend to you, you should attend grammar school again as you can't even spell summarize correctly. thank you for your time.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:03 PM

Many town officials are ashamed
Posted by Anonymous | 2:29 PM

Merely a neighbor? Mayor Tallarita could be related to former Governor Rowland if not by blood, then by deed.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:33 AM

How can our mayor not be concerned about how much taxpayers money is being spent on this case?
Posted by Anonymous | 12:39 PM

So u are just finding out that our mayor is full of himself as well as other things? Welcome to Enfield. He sees himself as a strong mayor in the council/manager form of government. He is only one of the 11 votes. He sees himself as a great leader when in fact he doesn't know what leadership is. It shows in his a ctions and his words. The Rowland post is closer to the truth than anyone knows. Just ask his trusted friends who both know and speak freely. They don't truly like him but they play his game with a smile, a wink, and a contribution to further their Enfield business ventures. It is too bad really. He brings a dark shadow over a good town council.
Posted by Anonymous | 5:40 AM

Big Anthony's wife is on the Historical Commission. Her cousin is the police chief.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:54 PM

Shame on all of you labeled anonymous. The real culprits here are the Felician Nuns. These self-annoited deliverers of justice have allowed Thibault and his gang of disbarred lawyers and miscreants unfettered acccess to the mand thier facilities.

Jim Brewer, a disbarred lawyer and labeled stalker is a hired goon of Thibault. Brewer should be serving time in Danbury for some of the stunts he has pulled, to include having several restraining orders placed against him. Thibault lives in Litchfield, with speed dial to the local police because his slanderous innuendos and blantant lies have made him enemies. Simply put, he is just a liar.

And then we have the ever-humble Felician nuns who have allowed these men access to thier facilities, children, records, lawyers and themselves. These followers of Jesus have maligned and scorned decent men with baselss attacks on thier families and beliefs.

As a catholic school graduate, I preferred when the nuns whacked you a couple of times while defaming you to your face. But these nuns prefer to stalk behind your back and ruin the very decency you have worked so hard to establish; using conspiracy nuts the likes of Brewer and Thibault. And all in the name of Jesus. How kind?

Posted by Jimmy to The Cool Justice Report at 9/29/2006 06:25:10 PM


Anonymous said...

Hey "Jimmy" everyone knows who you are.

So why don't you crawl out from under that rock and spew your lies and venom like a man? Enfield's "finest" is going to take it on the chin soon enough. So if you have something to say, be a real man and say who you are, ya punk.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight? You call me names, boast how the Enfield police are corrupt, want me to print my real name yet you hide behind anonymous. Who's the coward?

Anonymous said...

Dear Jimmy,

Why has Enfield spent over $16,000 (though July 06) in outside attorney fees against the Sisters?

Why did the P&Z sue the ZBA to overrule it's decision to say that the parking area was clearly present for over 60 years?

Why did P & Z go against the testimony of so many of it's own citizens, who stated under oath that they parked in that parking area in the late 1950's and early 1960's?

How many times has P & Z sued ZBA in the last ten years? (I can only find one time.) So why on this matter?

Why did the Town of Enfield Attorney write a two page summary of the case and post it on the town web site with links to all the related matters? The Town has never done that before on any other case, so why now? Why this case?

Why did the head of P & Z ask the zoning enforcement officer to go out and look at the parking area in the first place?

Why did not any one in Enfield Town goverment step forward and look into this rather than let it go to the courts?

Here are some of the facts:

The Felician Sisters have owned the 11 acre property since 1932.

The Felician Sisters have operated a school at that location since 1944. What other businesses in Enfield can you name that have been at the same location since 1944?

The Felician Sister ran a kindergarten there in the early 60's educating as many as 300 children in two session day. (I attended kindergarten there in 1964 before going to St Joseph's School) The sisters help educate Enfield children before the Enfield School system even had a kindergarten.

The Felician Sisters go before the Historical and P & Z in 2003 in order to add a break room to their school. Not to expand enrollment only to add a meeting room. (Look at the additions to all the Enfield elementary schools including Enfield Street School right behind the OLD TOWN HALL)

The Town of Enfield issued a cease and desist order against the Sister December of 2003.

The Town of Enfield has a system of checks and balances let's say. The check for the Planning and Zoning Commission P & Z is the Zoning Board of Appeals ZBA.

The Felician go before P&Z to explain that their parking area has been in existance since the school started in 1944. The Sisters had dozens of Enfield residents to testify that they parked in that area as early as 1957. P&Z rules against the Sisters.

The Sisters go to the ZBA with dozens of Enfield residents who again testify that they parked in that area since 1957; ZBA rules in favor of the Sisters. Some of those that testified are no longer with us (Mr. Roncari to name one).

Then P & Z sues ZBA and the Sister must go to court to protect a parking area that we all have driven by all of our lives.

When the Judge asks "can this only be about an area that was graveled 13 years earlier without any compliants?"
When the unlimited resources of the Town of Enfield were used against the Sisters, Andy Thibault was the lone voice asking "how can this be right and why?".

Anonymous said...

We agree! Andy was the lone voice, then other people started to talk. Deep Cannole where are you?

Anonymous said...

I am a home owner in the vicinity of the Yale Court subdivision. I have reviewed many minutes of the PZ an Inland Wetlands commissions for this development approved for Ridgewood Homes LLC. I am appalled at this mess! To say the least, the amount of vegetation removed and not replaced, berms not put in, a road that appears to be a driveway in no way a safe road. What kind of people do we have on the PZ and Inlands commissions that approved this? Is anyone taking notice or do you just don't give a damn? Mr. Giner, Anthony DiPace, Gretchen Pheiffer-Hall, has any one of you ventured down to see this mess? Conservation easements, protocals, berms, replantings where the hell are they? Everyone knows the political ties to this venture. Is this the reason for the lack of follow-up? If the architectural landscaping is any indication of the building Mr. Fredrick does, I'm sure these homes will sink as nicely as the land erodes!

Anonymous said...

I am a home owner in the vicinity of the Yale Court subdivision. I have reviewed many minutes of the PZ an Inland Wetlands commissions for this development approved for Ridgewood Homes LLC. I am appalled at this mess! To say the least, the amount of vegetation removed and not replaced, berms not put in, a road that appears to be a driveway in no way a safe road. What kind of people do we have on the PZ and Inlands commissions that approved this? Is anyone taking notice or do you just don't give a damn? Mr. Giner, Anthony DiPace, Gretchen Pheiffer-Hall, has any one of you ventured down to see this mess? Conservation easements, protocals, berms, replantings where the hell are they? Everyone knows the political ties to this venture. Is this the reason for the lack of follow-up? If the architectural landscaping is any indication of the building Mr. Fredrick does, I'm sure these homes will sink as nicely as the land erodes!

Anonymous said...

I am a home owner in the vicinity of the Yale Court subdivision. I have reviewed many minutes of the PZ an Inland Wetlands commissions for this development approved for Ridgewood Homes LLC. I am appalled at this mess! To say the least, the amount of vegetation removed and not replaced, berms not put in, a road that appears to be a driveway in no way a safe road. What kind of people do we have on the PZ and Inlands commissions that approved this? Is anyone taking notice or do you just don't give a damn? Mr. Giner, Anthony DiPace, Gretchen Pheiffer-Hall, has any one of you ventured down to see this mess? Conservation easements, protocals, berms, replantings where the hell are they? Everyone knows the political ties to this venture. Is this the reason for the lack of follow-up? If the architectural landscaping is any indication of the building Mr. Fredrick does, I'm sure these homes will sink as nicely as the land erodes!

Anonymous said...

Great work!
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Anonymous said...

Well done! |

Anonymous said...

I am a home owner in the vicinity of the Yale Court subdivision. I have reviewed many minutes of the PZ an Inland Wetlands commissions for this development approved for Ridgewood Homes LLC. I am appalled at this mess! To say the least, the amount of vegetation removed and not replaced, berms not put in, a road that appears to be a driveway in no way a safe road. What kind of people do we have on the PZ and Inlands commissions that approved this? Is anyone taking notice or do you just don't give a damn? Mr. Giner, Anthony DiPace, Gretchen Pheiffer-Hall, has any one of you ventured down to see this mess? Conservation easements, protocals, berms, replantings where the hell are they? Everyone knows the political ties to this venture. Is this the reason for the lack of follow-up? If the architectural landscaping is any indication of the building Mr. Fredrick does, I'm sure these homes will sink as nicely as the land erodes!