Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Letter To State Elections Enforcement Commission 10-31-06

The Cool Justice Report

Tues., 10-31-06

Atty. Joan Andrews
Director of Legal Affairs and Enforcement Unit
State Elections Enforcement Commission
20 Trinity St., Suite 101
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone (566) 566-1776
Fax (860) 566-4402

by Fax and e-mail

Re: Enfield Federal Savings Party Time With State Rep. Kathy Tallarita

Dear Atty. Andrews:

May I bring to your attention - and that of the commission - a news item posted 10-26-06, "Enfield Federal Savings Party Time With State Rep. Kathy Tallarita."

Also please see, "ENFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS Connection All The Bank You'll Ever Need 2006 / 3.
Of particular interest to the Elections Enforcement Commission is the reference to the upcoming election in the bank newsletter: "She will again be on the ballot for State Rep this November."
As I understand the process, the commission evaluates such matters brought to its attention to determine whether they merit investigation and action.

Thank you for reviewing this material.


Andy Thibault


Anonymous said...

What? No gutless wonders from Enfield man-enough (...sorry Ms. Turner) to write the ethics commission. You agoraphobics have to depend upon this sleazeball journalist to do your dirty bidding.

Go Kathleen! KA&TN

Anonymous said...

Maybe the "gutless wonders", as you put them, didn't want to sink to levels of you ka&tn.