Published twice a year, CR brings to its readers some of the best creative and intellectual writing in Connecticut, the United States and the world. It includes essays, scholarly articles, translations, fiction, poetry, readable short plays, as well as fine art painting and photography. Podcasts of writers who appear in the journal are featured in readings and interviews on the "Writers in the Attic" show produced by Eastern's Prof. Meredith Clermont-Ferrand. To access the podcasts visit the CR website at
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Here are some snapshots of what's inside the latest issue.
* Pushcart winner Patricia Monaghan explains in her essay "The Nonlocal Heart" how a theorem of quantum physics unites her love of for the very different lands of Ireland and Alaska.
* Poet, essayist and octogenarian Richard Moore asks the question, "We always knew it, didn't we? Earthly pleasure is the only good, pain and death the only evils." He meditates upon an unusual answer.
* Fine art photographer and Westconn's professor of Biology Richard Halliburton shares seven stunning black and white photographs accompanying a confession about his obsession with the nearly pure white "high values" the photographic print.
* Four of the best college student poets in Connecticut-winners of the Connecticut Poetry Circuit awards--offer eight pages of choice poetry."
* In a haiku-like essay, the late Peter Vicinanza's recalls his childhood delight when he was finally able to purchase and listen to his own radio.
* Well-known poet and NPR radio host Grace Cavaleri draws us into the mythic, dynamical world of poet Louise Gluck. Gluck has said, "When you read something that's worth remembering, you liberate human voice. You release into the world again a companion spirit." Writes Cavaleri, "Her companion spirits are Blake, Eliot, Yeats. For
many of us women writers, it is Gluck."
Over 100 pages of the Fall issue examines the question "What is story and how do stories profoundly shape our understanding--and misunderstanding--of the world?"
* CR's outgoing senior editor John Briggs examines "Aristotle's Unintended Consequences" and the pervasive grip of the Aristotelian paradigm of story. What are its hidden assumptions? Is this what story really is?
* In a CR exclusive interview, social critic Noam Chomsky explains how media stories have deceived us into believing that we are living in a democracy.
* Historian Howard Zinn tells CR's Andy Thibault and the senior editor about writing from the perspectives that most historians leave out.
* Central's Prof. Vivian Martin takes down to the bone those charming stereotypical news stories we read and see about heroes, victims, villains and falls from grace. "When people whose lives are the focus of news articles are viewed as 'characters,' certain dramatic needs must be fulfilled through the narrative," writes Martin.
* The multilayered story of a region and its struggles through history emerge in the eight-page color section by Westconn's art professor Abe Echevarria. The region is the Basque country of northern Spain where Echevarria's family came from and to which he returned over several years with his paints and sketchbooks to capture the story.
* Why are there all those sports metaphors in political campaigns? Westconn's professor of writing Edward A. Hagan explains why we get so little information about politics and why our brains are on the disabled list.
* Filmmaker Leslie Dallas enters a darkened movie theater with a stop watch. She uses it to deconstruct Hollywood, from "Little Miss Sunshine" to "The Godfather." Here is finally clear explanation of that classic Hollywood moment known as "The Big Gloom."
* What happens when "Suddenly, you find yourself in a landscape?" asks WestConn's prose poet Brian Clements. "It may seem like the kind of history in 'The Aroma of Sausage,' the Italian movie where you're reeling through spiraled space." In this creative piece Clements implicitly challenges the Aristotelian story, with surprising results.
And that's just some of what's in this 208 page issue.
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