Heard On The Street:
Wasn't that Big Anthony Troiano coordinating a paving job with Police Chief Carl Sferrazza and other official entities for the Mount Carmel Society?
We didn't see any permits. Maybe Planning And Zoning will issue a cease and desist order like the one they put on the Enfield Montessori School.
Heard Big Tony and "I have no knowledge" Carl got a good deal, though. Wonder how much they paid … or traded …
Still, they apparently did not have enough materials to offer assistance for the Sisters and their parking lot.

Hopefully more read between the lines.
What don't officials get away with in Enfield?
Trouble with some in Enfield, is that they confuse what's good for
Mount Carmel, for what's good for Enfield. Just cuz the likes of Troianos, Sferrazzas and Tallaritas run the Mount Carmel Society, doesn't mean every Enfielder wants these characters running the town. The Town of Enfield is very different from this ol'boys club!
-What don't officials get away with in Enfield?-
mt carmel paving? ask good old mayor tat or extown lawyer chris. they was at a town hall meeting about paving BEFORE the job started. who else was there? more butt dont know who. town hall knows all. uh oh!
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