... Among those who recognized the economic, social and employment benefits of equal rights for girls’ sports was Mia Hamm, the Olympic soccer star who scored more goals (158) than any man or woman in international play. Hamm recently told ESPN: “First and foremost, I got an education. That’s what I was there for. It was to give women at state-funded schools an opportunity to go to school and get a scholarship … For me, it was being able to go to the University of North Carolina on a scholarship. And then, obviously, I got to play one of my loves and passions through my college years.”
Ct Permanent Commission On The Status Of Women
Congratulates Litchfield Cowgirls
Letter Presented To Team Captains,
Coaches During Rotary Club Luncheon 12-1-11

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FROM Teresa C. Younger, Executive Director
Nov. 29, 2011
To the Members and Coaches of the Litchfield High School Girls’ Soccer Team:
On behalf of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women, I would like to send hearty congratulations to the Litchfield High School girls’ soccer team on your impressive record. To have come this far in such a short time is testament to your athletic prowess, drive, teamwork and good coaching.
I hope each of you is proud to be part of an historic team whose fight for equality in education, of which sports and fitness are an integral part, is legendary. In 1972, Title IX opened long-shut doors for young women by guaranteeing equal opportunity in education. Just as your trip to the State Finals was long and hard-won, so, too, has been the battle for gender equity.

As you head soon into your working lives, be aware of discrimination in wages. Women are paid, on average, just 76 cents for every dollar a similarly qualified man makes. Imagine if you had to score a goal-and-a-half in order for the refs to count it as one goal! So you can see, we have a long way to go before women and men are truly equal.
But it starts with you; you have already helped pave the way for the girls who will come after you. By working hard to establish a girls’ soccer team, and by honoring that struggle with your dedication, you’ve already set down the road to success.
I wish you all the best in the future as you continue to work, each in your own way, for gender equity.
Best Regards,
Teresa C. Younger
Executive Director
About the PCSW: The Permanent Commission on the Status of Women was formed in 1973 under Sec. 46a of the Connecticut General Statutes to study and improve Connecticut women’s economic security, health and safety; to promote consideration of qualified women to leadership positions and to work toward the elimination of gender discrimination. As a non-partisan arm of the General Assembly, the agency monitors, critiques and recommends changes to legislation in order to inform public policy, and assesses programs and practices in all State agencies for their effect on the state’s women. The PCSW serves as a liaison between government and its diverse constituents, and convenes stakeholders, including the business, non-profit and educational communities, local governments, and the media, in order to promote awareness of women’s issues.

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