UPDATED, 3-24-15
Louis w/ girlfriend Lauryn (left) and daughter Sue at La Dolce Vita #YouThoughtItWasMore 3-22-15
Louis w/ Lauryn and Ann O'Neill
The party / book signing was Sun., 3-22-15, 7:30 p.m. at La Dolce Vita, 221 Hanover St., Boston
Appearance to follow at Gateway Community College, New Haven, CT
Stay Tuned For More Details ...
“My style was to take a couple hundred grand from each casino,” he said. “If I didn’t do your casino, it was an insult.”

Reader comment:
Kind of fascinating. I'll wait for the movie.
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“You Thought It Was More,”
By Louis Colavecchio
with Franz Douskey
and Andy Thibault
WESTPORT, Conn., March 16, 2015 – “You Thought It Was More” is a profane and raucously funny memoir from the world’s greatest counterfeiter, Louis ‘The Coin’ Colavecchio.
Colavecchio, who created mass quantities of undetectable slot machine tokens, writes with commanding vigor about his wild adventures throughout the US and Europe His talents as a jeweler, manufacturer and man of romance are part of the historical record – as seen on The History Channel and The BBC. It might be an understatement to say Colavecchio changed the face of casino gambling forever.
Ride with Louis The Coin at 160 mph in his Lamborghini making score after score. From Providence to Atlantic City and Vegas to Rome, Milan, Florence and Geneva, he’s the genuine article. As one of the cops who arrested Louis notes in the introduction, “He was very creative, an artist.” Who knew metallurgy could be riveting? What? You thought it was more …
The recently-published book from Westport-based Icebox Publishing is available on Amazon as well as in bookstores internationally.
“We concentrate on unique, out-of-the-box content here at IceBox and Louis’s life story definitely fits that bill,” said L. Todd Wood, principal of IceBox Publishing.
“It’s a great book to pick up and whisk yourself away to another world where most people would never be allowed entrance. I couldn't put the book down.”
Louis The Coin began a life of entrepreneurial adventure as a youngster.
Along the way he got to know many characters on all sides of the law, throughout the United States and Europe.
His father had arrived in Providence from Italy in 1903. As an established businessman, Benedict Colavecchio and his wife Theorora encouraged young Louis to gain an education.
While working fulltime, Louis Colavecchio earned a degree in business administration from Providence College.
Colavecchio was such a great counterfeiter – The Providence Journal reported – that after he spent more than two years in federal prison for his handiwork, he was paid $18,000 by the feds as a consultant to explain why his manufacturing dies outlast those at the U.S. Mint.
They say he was a hero in Providence as well because The Coin did not rat out any of his friends.
Over the past eight years, The Coin worked with co-authors Franz Douskey and Andy Thibault to bring the manuscript to IceBox.
Now, Louis applies all his talents and imagination in a new venue – storyteller.
For more information, contact:
Andy Thibault, 860-690-0211
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