Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Few Nice / Interesting Comments Re: Enfield

How can I get money to the nuns? How can people be so cruel to these wonderful women? We just don't get it. The more they go after the nuns the more we want to help them. Sister's please keep the faith.

Posted by Peter &Mary to The Cool Justice Report at 9/29/2006 09:47:56 PM

Jeanette is a kind and decent person how did she know what politics would do to her family. I'm sure she is heartbroken over all of this. People shouldn't be mean to her for what he did and that is of course if he did it.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 9/29/2006 07:42:50 PM

Enfield deserves leadership who treats all residents & town employees with respect.
Enfield deserves elected officials that will remember it is the people’s money, and we will use the people’s money wisely. I'm a democrat just today looking at the republican web site. All this nun bashing is making me want explore other people to vote for. This is so sad.

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 9/29/2006 07:28:54 PM


Anonymous said...

I have a few questions and comments: Why isn't our local papers looking into or printing any of this stuff? Chris Powell editor of the JI seems to write articles for this site but never uses any of the information to start a investigation through the newspaper. Why is that? As a person that has read the information on this site questions have certainly been raised. I think the players in Enfield are too close and a local police investigation won't be trusted by the towns people. Andy and Jim Brewer are sending his own message to Tallarita through his articles First Steps on the Path to Corruption how good politicians go bad. If you read these postings you will understand more. I certainly wouldn't be trying to bad mouth Andy & Jim around town. We don't believe your lies anymore. I also got a letter pointing me to this site but like many others I already knew about it. I am glad that people are concerned enough that they want the general public to be aware. There are more people that know about the site than don't but feel free to pass the word.

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