Friday, October 06, 2006

The Justice Journal Hits The Street

A Welcome to Our New Readers


October 10, 2006 - Welcome! Once you hit The Justice Journal link, 12th [or so -- new links being added] from the bottom right, on The Cool Justice Report home page, you will have landed at the premiere edition. The Justice Journal is a new publication dedicated to improving the safety of our communities.

In developing the concept for The Justice Journal, we spent many hours meeting with local and state law enforcement professionals. The more we came to understand the challenges these men and women face in their efforts to keep us safe, the more we understood the critical need to facilitate a journalistic dialogue.

Our safety, whether it is local or national, depends on our own willingness to reject and actively participate. Each month beginning in January we will encourage you to stay alert, pay attention and get involved. The goal of The Justice Journal is to offer you an opportunity to begin or enhance your involvement in public and personal safety. We will strive to be a platform where intelligent, thoughtful, and practical solutions to our security challenges are debated and discussed.

We are not another forum for political rhetoric. We need and welcome your input and promise to serve you with the best in civic journalism. GET INVOLVED by letting us hear from you. We have made it easy for you to communicate with us and encourage you to do so. Watch for The Justice Journal every month starting in January. See you then!

Doug Johnston, Publisher and Ted Holcomb, General Manager

DOUG JOHNSTON, Publisher - Doug Johnston has specialized in media start-up ventures since 1975. In 1981 he was selected to be part of the original launch team for Vanity Fair, one of the greatest success stories in the publishing industry. In 1990 he started his own firm, Midway Communications LLC, which specializes in private management consultation to entrepreneurial publishing ventures.

TED HOLCOMB, General Manager - with forty years of experience working in the broadcast and banking industries, which include ABC Radio, a CBS and ABC affiliate television station, a three-state Muzak franchise owner, Salem Communications, and Union Savings Bank of Cincinnati, has given Holcomb significant insight into business operation and management. Being an entrepreneur at heart, his favorite saying ("If you are strong enough, there are no precedents" - F. Scott Fitzgerald) says it all for his irrepressible desire for lofty goals, pursuit of excellence, and a spirit of enjoying life every day.

KENN VENIT, Managing Editor, has over 40 years' experience in journalism. He has edited newspapers and worked in broadcast news in Philadelphia and Connecticut. Kenn is an adjunct associate professor at Quinnipiac University and also teaches a First Amendment course at SCSU. A past president of the Connecticut Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, Kenn has two professional "lifetime achievement" awards and numerous awards for reporting. He earned his bachelor's and master's degreesat Temple University. (One of Kenn's daughters is a former police detective sergeant who is married to a police patrol sergeant.)

Our Mission

The mission of The Justice Journal is to serve our community by improving public safety. In collaboration with the police, other law enforcement agencies, and the judicial system, The Justice Journal will inform the public about important issues of local and national security, and promote a more active involvement. We are committed to helping improve citizens' understanding of what constitutes a real threat and how to respond appropriately.

The goals of The Justice Journal include opening the lines of communication between the public and law enforcement and to alleviate commonplace fears that citizens sometimes experience when dealing with those dedicated to protecting them. In addition, we seek to help the public make informed decisions about their safety and security of their families.

A monthly publication, The Justice Journal explores topics such as identity theft, Internet scams, terrorism, street crimes and other threats to our civil liberties including controversial components of law enforcement. The Justice Journal maintains that public security can be enhanced and improved when citizens and law enforcement agencies work together. The Justice Journal, through intelligent and thoughtful debate provides an ideal forum that encourages active participation.

Phone: 203-454-5910
Fax: 203-227-0092
Mail: The Justice Journal
21 Charles Street, Suite 114
Wesport, CT 06880


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Well done!
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