Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More From SPJ On Krayeske

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Krayeske arrest draws much attention
Society of Professional Journlists
Legal Defense Fund blog


One of the neat things about having a blog for the LDF [Legal Defense Fund] committee is that we can provide updates about issues we are working on and others can see it and have a say. A Connecticut crime blogger [The Cool Justice Report] has posted on our interest in Ken Krayeske, the freelance journalist who was arrested while taking pictures of the governor.

I spoke with Krayeske Tuesday evening. He [said] our interest made his day. He said he was standing on a [median] shooting the parade when he was confronted by police. He has been charged with breach of peace and interfering with police. He has a good lawyer and is looking to set up a fund for his own legal defense. I have asked Connecticut Pro President Steve Kalb to consider it. I have also encourged Krayeske to apply for an LDF grant.

My preference is that journalists not be invovled in politics, (Krayeske is involved in the Green Party and got into a scrape with the governor's people over the party's exclusion from the debates), still, photographers should not be detained for 12 hours for taking pictures.

[Editor's note: Should they be detained or harassed at all?]

Krayeske writes freelance for several papers and has his own web site that includes some of the photos he took at the inaugural parade.

The situation is getting a lot of attention. Check out stories and posts ... The Hartford Courant's Stan Simpson says stopping Krayeske was putting safety first. His colleague Rick Green pokes fun at the governor.

Feel free to have your say on this issue on our comments section.

Stay tuned.

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