Monday, July 16, 2007

Bong Hitter

For Jesus
Speaks ....

Bong Hitter for Jesus has left a new comment on your post "AP: Burlington Teen":

I guarantee you that none of the rightious media in beautiful Connecticut will come out and let the brothers and sisters know the "evil" word this girl used to describe her Nazi school administrators!

I heard it was douche bag a million times in many places, but the one place you expect to hear it, the news, they just can't say it.

douche bag, douche bag, douche bag, douche bag, douche bag, douche bag, douche bag, douche bag, douche bag.

Sorry, but I figure the more times people see it and read it the less supposedly offensive it will be.

What an uptight bunch of...ah never mind, don't want to cause no problems.

Posted by Bong Hitter for Jesus to The Cool Justice Report at 5:33 PM

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