Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Gawd Help The Good People Of Enfield" & 'FreshwaterBob' Offers Analysis

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Better Than Reality TV? ... DiPace V. Turner Cage ...":

"*It's a choice between the devil you can trust or the devil you can't.*

The expression is "It's a choice between the devil you know and the devil you don't" and it refers to making a difficult choice between 2 options. Literary genius you ain't."

I don't know who's initially responsible for this "devil phrasing", but I for one wouldn't vote for either DiPace or Peruta. And the fact that they're both being described as "devils" means the Enfield Democrats must be scraping the bottom of the political barrel.

is "this" is the best they have to offer the residents of Enfield? if so, gawd help the good people of Enfield!

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 8:23 AM

FreshwaterBob has left a new comment on your post "Better Than Reality TV? ... DiPace V. Turner Cage ...":

The Republicans have Ms. Turner and the Democrats deserve Mr. Dipace. The only thing more motivating for Ms. Turner would be to have Mr. Tallarita as Democrat chair. But since he can't have #1, she can have #2.

How about dem Giants!

Posted by FreshwaterBob to The Cool Justice Report at 10:30 AM

  • Better Than Reality TV? ... DiPace V. Turner Cage Match?

  • A Cozy Refuge For Free Expression & Exchange Of Ideas

  • Reader Notes Peruta Letter On Enfield Education, Politics

    Anonymous said...

    >>and it refers to making a difficult choice between 2 options.

    2 options? sounds more to me like choice between 2 "sentences" - neither of which are too appealing to moi!

    for the record, LOVE'EM Giants!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    enough already w/wasting space on this lame subject of the 2 Democratic "devils". residents, and more importantly, Enfield officials should be concentrating on the more important issues facing our town.

    like the one in today's JI re: 2 youths drawing a gun on a 10 year old, in good ol'T-ville, in the middle of the afternoon. now that's a real problem. a problem that will keep people from ever frequenting T-ville (so please save the time and effort trying to revive the ol'Strand or build a new train station).

    What has become of the Town of Enfield? This was once considered an "All-American" town. now our children are carrying guns and robbing other children in the middle of the day? For a town of 48,000, we certainly have a lot of big city problem. especially in the T-ville area.

    Maybe its time to bulldoze down that area, and start fresh cuz the past "urban renewal plans" have failed miserably. Its become the black eye (or better yet, the armpit) of Enfield.

    Time to start tackling the real issues and stop wasting time on
    wanna-be politicians.

    "ENFIELD - Police arrested two juveniles - 13 and 15 years old - Monday afternoon after they tried to rob a 10-year-old at gunpoint in the Thompsonville section of town, Deputy Chief Anjo Timmerman said.

    The 10-year-old said he was walking down Church Street around 3:30 p.m. when two boys approached him and demanded money, Timmerman said. One of them opened his book bag and was holding what appeared to be an automatic weapon, police said."

    Anonymous said...

    >today's JI re: 2 youths drawing a gun on a 10 year old, in good ol'T-ville, in the middle of the afternoon. now that's a real problem. a problem that will keep people from ever frequenting T-ville (so please save the time and effort trying to revive the ol'Strand or build a new train station).

    you're darn right that most Enfield residents stay clear of T-ville. its too bad but regardless of what the Town attempts to do down there, its too late. the area is crime ridden. no one in their right mind would go down there to catch a train. you'd likely be robbed or have your car broken into. that entire area is beyond "saving".

    Anonymous said...

    ""ENFIELD - Police arrested two juveniles - 13 and 15 years old - Monday afternoon after they tried to rob a 10-year-old at gunpoint in the Thompsonville section of town, Deputy Chief Anjo Timmerman said.""

    hate to say it, but T-ville is nothin' more than Enfield's version of a "slum". and the sooner town officials admit that to themselves, the sooner they could start dealing w/the many reasons why nothing is going to renovate that depressed area. stop wasting taxpayers' money with T-ville initiatives. they won't get off the ground.

    Anonymous said...

    Aside from St Pat's, the bakery, the grocery/package store, and few other small businesses, T-ville should be completely gutted. There can be no "renewal" until all the drugs and criminals are removed from this area. No one in their right mind wants to venture down there.

    It is a shame but that's the painful truth. There's not much in the downtown worth preserving.

    All that money spent on Freshwater Pond and how many times this winter did people get to ice skate on it?

    Anonymous said...

    I like this subject and the people who want to talk about this. Let's go!

    The police chief knows Thompsonville has to be safe to begin any revitalization process. The department has stepped up enforcement and its made a difference.

    The issue is that the stepped up enforcement is only one part of a very complicated problem. The town council would be well served to develop a holistic approach for Thompsonville, and it will cost money. Otherwise that section of town will continue to make the papers for all the wrong reasons.

    How about stepped up police work with:
    -a plan to encourage more owner occupied homes and discourage the absentee landlords, some of which are on our own town council
    -neighborhood watch groups who help make their neighborhoods better
    -community police who are part of the neighborhoods, not an occupying force
    -an economic development plan and supporting zoning that encourages positive business startup that will support the needs of the neighborhoods, not the tattoo shops
    -some form of public transportation to help people get to where the jobs are
    -affordable and accessible child day care IN the neighborhood so parents and caregivers can work
    -supporting health services IN the neighborhoods
    -move the library downtown to give people access to learning and enlightenment
    -and teach a population that the health of Thompsonville is a critical factor in the health of Enfield as a whole.

    Or this whole neighborhood goes high end via eminent domain and the problem moves to another town.

    Either way a great deal of work and money is necessary and a decision by our town council is the starting point. Is this one of their goals?

    Anonymous said...

    I think you guys are missing the point:

    Buildings don't cause crimes and create problems… people cause crimes and create problems.

    Just the same as guns don't kill people; people kill people.

    The only way to fix T-Ville is not to bulldoze the building. It's to kick the criminals, the low-lives, and the sex-offenders out of the neighborhood.

    Anonymous said...

    ""Or this whole neighborhood goes high end via eminent domain and the problem moves to another town. "

    "high end" option would get my vote. do like New London did and take over the area & start fresh.

    I don't care if the problems move to another town. Its not Enfield's job to solve the social problems of the world. Frankly, many of these problems moved to T-ville from somewhere else cuz T-ville wasn't always this bad.

    So let those who moved to T-ville from other towns, move back to their "other" towns.

    Anonymous said...

    >>Buildings don't cause crimes and create problems… people cause crimes and create problems.
    >>Just the same as guns don't kill people; people kill people.
    >>The only way to fix T-Ville is not to bulldoze the building. It's to kick the criminals, the low-lives, and the sex-offenders out of the neighborhood.

    boy, that's really deep, man. you must be some kind of genius philosopher.

    of course buildings in themselves don't cause crimes. however when an area is filled with low end housing, and absentee landlords, these dwellings end up attracting a certain "element" (i.e. individuals) that we don't want in Enfield.

    what's your explanation for all the crimes & drug dealings in T-ville area, as compared to other areas in Enfield? Answer: Its the rundown surroundings.

    T-ville has all the same kind of problems one would find in any big city. yet T-ville is not an accurate reflection of the Town of Enfield. T-ville is one "bad spot" that stands out like sore thumb.
    I know its drastic, but time to cut off the bad thumb to save the rest of the hand!

    Bulldoze down the vacant buildings, the low income housing and crumbling mill houses, and
    the people dealing drugs and carry guns on T-ville streets will leave cuz they won't be able to stay in Enfield (... its highly unlikely they could afford to live in a single family home in Southwood Acres or Whit Acres, or historic district. At the very least, they'd certainly stand out!)

    the real problem with T-Ville is there are too many on Council and BOE that "remember" the good ol'days of growing up in T-Ville. Well, those days are long gone. While no one was paying close attention, T-Ville became a crime ridden slum. Right under your noses. No need to travel to Hartford or Springfield to buy drugs, just go to any corner in T-Ville. How embarassing to be known for such.

    No amount of time or money will reverse this. T-Ville is lost.
    The Strand is lost. A train station won't revitalize because there aren't enough people willing to commute by train from Enfield.

    Cut the Town's loses. Stop pumping $$$ into T-Ville. Stop cleaning up the pond cuz its only providing the dealers w/a nice place to sit, across from the Recreation Center.

    "this" is similar to getting rids of termites or any other kind of pests. remove their homes and they have no choice but to leave.

    Anonymous said...

    "The police chief knows Thompsonville has to be safe to begin any revitalization process. The department has stepped up enforcement and its made a difference."

    its made a difference? tell that to the parents of the 10 year old who was robbed by the other kids, touting a gun.

    Enfield Police can't stop the crime in T-Ville until the criminals are removed from living in the area. Enfield doesn't have enough police to put out all the fires in T-Ville. T-Ville needs their own police force/presence down there. Maybe if the Police Station was located where the Recreation Center is located, that might make a difference.

    Moving the Police Station to far end of Elm St was a mistake. The station needs to be "near" where the majority of the trouble is. Not across town,

    Anonymous said...

    >>T-Ville needs their own police force/presence down there. Maybe if the Police Station was located where the Recreation Center is located, that might make a difference.

    Enfield officials turned their back on T-Ville when they elected to move the Police Station from T-Ville to Elm St. Why wasn't the Police Station move to the vacant Higgin's building? Probably because the police wanted a brand spanking new building, away from

    Same with Senior Center. It too moved from T-Ville to a brand spanking building in the middle of no-man's land (well, now there are some "men" cuz the new high priced condos went up).

    See a pattern here. T-Ville was abandoned by the same people who are trying to revitalize it now.
    HELLO, is anyone home? You guys made the decision to move the police presence out of the downtown. You guys made the decision to move the Senior Center
    (along with moving the High St Post Office).

    Enfield officials are behind the T-Ville "exodus" with their bright ideas to move services to the "burbs". Didn't ya realize they effect that would have on T-Ville?

    So please, spare me the bleeding hearts, trying to revive an area that was allowed to deteriorate
    by at their own hands and doings.

    How many Council members or BOE members live in T-Ville now? Does the Town Manager or Police Chief live in T-Ville? How many Council members, Town officials or BOE members own rental property in T-Ville?

    If you won't live there how do you expect others to live there??

    Again, spare us the bleeding heart, liberalism. Its so transparent.

    If you want to see a vibrant train
    station in the center of a middle-class community, go visit Wallingford, CT. If you want to see a "downtown" revitalized, go visit Middletown, CT.

    But Enfield is no Middletown. and Enfield is no Wallingford. Face it.

    Anonymous said...

    Middletown was no Middletown back in the 70's. I know. I was there. It took commitment and it took heart. Enfield could be a Middletown but it would take commitment and vision; both in short supply around here.