Saturday, March 01, 2008

Enfield School Issues Abound

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Reader Notes Peruta Letter On Enfield Education, P...":

Speaking of Enfield BOE, what the heck is going on with Enfield BOE these days. Are they just deliberately going out of their way to tick people off? Are they doing this stuff to see if anyone is paying attention? I don't understand their motives?

How can this group not realize how important it is to Enfield students to have their high school graduations @ their respective high schools. Student don't want this ceremony at some church, 30 minutes away.
"Enfield High School's principal and five seniors made a case Tuesday to the Board of Education to hold this year's graduation on the school's grounds, not at First Cathedral in Bloomfield."

And now to top it all off, this same BOE has voted to eliminate the students' February Break? How much $$$ is saved every February by shutting down the schools? I would guess far more than what's spent in mid-June (most schools aren't ACed)
"The Board of Education voted 6-3 Tuesday to eliminate the February vacation from the calendar for the next school year despite concern by school nurses about the spread of winter illnesses."

I give up? Is this BOE just going out of their way to buck the system, to get people thinking? How are their recent recommendations "helping" students?

Someone, anyone, please explain the logic behind these moves?

Posted by Anonymous to The Cool Justice Report at 5:43 PM

  • Reader Notes Peruta Letter On Enfield Education, Politics

    Anonymous said...

    Enfield High students voted 103 to 33 in favor of holding their high school
    graduate ceremony @ Enfield High.
    Is that loud and clear enough for Enfield's BOE to hear?

    Anonymous said...

    "How can this group not realize how important it is to Enfield students to have their high school graduations @ their respective high schools. Student don't want this ceremony at some church, 30 minutes away."

    An Enfield High School senior can vote to elect a president. They can join the service and fight in a war. If they commit a serious enough crime, they can go to prison.

    So I think if they decide they wish to have their high school graduation @ Enfield High and Fermi High, Enfield's officials should abide by their wishes. This is the most important event in their high school days.

    Its not the students fault that Enfield officials installed a synthetic surface on the football fields that can't withstand a graduation ceremony.

    Perhaps the students should have been consulted before that surface was installed???

    Anonymous said...

    "Its not the students fault that Enfield officials installed a synthetic surface on the football fields that can't withstand a graduation ceremony.

    Perhaps the students should have been consulted before that surface was installed???"

    Enfield officials should listen more closely to their students wishes, and then perhaps an alum may some day "reward" Enfield schools, the same way a Suffield High alum is.

    Recently a Suffield High alum donated a new million $$ synthetic athletic field to Suffield High.

    Pays to be nice to your students because one never knows.

    Anonymous said...

    The new BOE is more interested in self motivated BS than the kids. So far everything they have said and done is in the best interest of "WHO" certainly not the kids and their education. I have been to all but 2 BOE meetings and I have yet to see anything but spite moves and if they think they are hurting the teachers, the sad truth is, the kids are getting hurt not the staff. A TEACHER will always find a way to get the job done well with or without the BOE support. I only hope this board doesn't discourage the younger staff from seeking other employment in towns that care about their youth.

    Anonymous said...

    "I only hope this board doesn't discourage the younger staff from seeking other employment in towns that care about their youth."

    who are you fooling? the younger Enfield teachers are still making great money compared to other towns. they won't leave.

    but what the younger ones may wish to happen, is that some of the older Enfield teachers, the teachers making 2x what the younger ones are making, will
    become discouraged, and retire.

    Enfield could likely hire 3 new teachers for what it pays 2 older teachers. so don't bet that the younger ones will leave anytime soon. for one thing, where would they leave to? they have it made in Enfield when 75% of the budget goes to salaries.

    Anonymous said...

    >>the kids are getting hurt not the staff.

    Agreed because as an earlier poster
    noted, 75% of Enfield's education budget goes to faculty and staff salaries. So there is less $$ to use to purchase school supplies or maintain equipment.

    The teachers and staff are partially responsible for this since they're not willing to give up anything during contract negotiations.

    There isn't a bottomless pit of money in Enfield. Taxpayers are already taxed to the max. And now they'll have to shell out money to buy one of those super-duper tipper barrels (yet the Town doesn't have enough tipper trucks to pick these up). Will we also need to purchase
    "tipper recycle bins"?