JUNE 3, 2010 -- @ The Hartford Club
Fotog Credits:
Photographers at Young Writers events have included India Blue, Robin Gourd, Chion Wolf, Sammy Vega, Meg Rivers, Victoria Nordlund, J. Thompson Pease, Betsy Beacom and Bob Thiesfield.

-- Emily Madsen, Avon High, Bryn Mawr, UMass, is announced as 2002 State Poetry Champion. Handing over a $1,000 check is the late IMPAC Chairman, Jim Irwin, as Bill Cibes, CSU System Chancellor Emeritus, enjoys the moment. Madsen later served as a keynote speaker. She recently finished course work for a Ph.D in English and expects to begin her dissertation in the fall.

-- MURDERER'S ROW - Gaby "She Be Stinging" Calvocoressi, Kate "La Terrible" Rushin and Binnie "The Demon Barber" Klein take a breather after reading from their works in a boxing ring Jan. 15, 2010 at The Hartford Club. Also among the presenters during the CT Young Writers Triple Knockout Event -- Poetry, Prose And Pugilism -- was a former State Poetry Champion, Amy Ma, who now teaches for the Hartford Public Schools. The festivities on Jan. 15 -- including writing workshops, two bands and a boxing exhibition -- drew about 150 guests to the Hartford Club.

-- Vocalists DominiQue, Laura McCabe, Shannon Gunnip and Tamara Almai with The Jenn Allen Big Band, Hartford Club, 1-15-10
-- Emma Lowenberg, 16, of the Lowenberg Home School in Redding, accepts $1,000 check and other items Sunday [May 31, 2009] at the Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford as she is proclaimed State Prose Champion in the 2009 Connecticut Young Writers competition. With Lowenberg, L-R: Franz Douskey, poet and board member of the Young Writers Trust; Dr. Louise Feroe, Vice Chancellor, Connecticut State University System; and Co-Masters of Ceremonies Ravi Shankar, the poet and Central Connecticut State University Professor and Rand Richards Cooper, board member, author and travel writer for Bon Appetit. Lowenberg, one of eight county champions, won for her story, "Bernard."
-- Felicity Sheehy, 16, of the Westover School of Middlebury, accepts $1,000 check and other items Sunday [May 31, 2009] at the Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford as she is proclaimed State Poetry Champion in the 2009 Connecticut Young Writers competition. With Sheehy, L-R: Franz Douskey, poet and board member of the Young Writers Trust; Dr. Louise Feroe, Vice Chancellor, Connecticut State University System; and Co-Masters of Ceremonies Ravi Shankar, the poet and Central Connecticut State University Professor and Rand Richard Cooper, board member, author and travel writer for Bon Appetit. Sheehy, one of eight county champions, won for her poem, "Evening Conversation."

-- 2010 Tolland County finalists from Rockville High School at Central Connecticut State University in April: Lindsey Pellino, Kyle Kneeland, Allison Steed, Mikaela Adams, Nate Lannan, Emily Martinez, Logan Leduc, Jake Miceli, Jordyn Woodtke, Aminah Muhammed, Allison Burg, Anne Whitehead, Dylan Arcelli, Patrick Crane, Gabrielle Cohen, Austin [Timothy] West.

-- Chip Perez talks about Jan. 15, 2010 sparring session @ The Hartford Club with Israel "Pito" Cardona & Mike Mike "Machine Gun" Oliver. Perez has an upcoming bout May 22 @ Mohegan Sun. Co-Master Of Ceremonies Rand "Blood" Cooper conducts the interview with the focused guidance of his colleague, "Irish" Ravi Shankar.

-- Jim Irwin with Young Writers Trust founding board member Franz Douskey.
-- County Champions With Young Writers Supporters@ 2009 SCSU Event
From left to right: Franz Douskey, founding board member, Connecticut Young Writers Trust; Dr. Cheryl Norton, President, Southern Connecticut State University; young poets and writers Felicity Sheehy, Evelyn Benvie, Dillon Jones and Aliza Gans; Dr. David Carter, the CSU System Chancellor.

-- Iceman John Scully reading from his manuscript, The Iceman Diaries, 1-15-10 @ the Hartford Club

From Publishers Weekly
Muscular and musical, this second collection from Calvocoressi (The Last Time I Saw Amelia Earhart) combines boxing, Elvis, church burnings, sex and horses to produce a book that is pure Americana. Exploring the parameters of masculinity, Calvocoressi plays with the gender of the narrative voice from poem to poem, Have you/ ever gotten hit or thrown against a wall?/ There's a sweetness to it, at that moment when/ your God would forgive you anything. The result is a not unpleasant ambiguity. Unafraid of interacting poetically with severe subject matter, in Fence she describes the murder of Matthew Shepard in the voice of a disgusted everyman. They took that boy and tied him to a fence/ and beat him till he didn't know his mother's/ name. Boxing is the overlying theme of the collection; in Fugue Calvocoressi turns Rilke's Archaic Torso toward Duk-Koo Kim, the South Korean lightweight who died after a fight with Ray Boom Boom Mancini: For here there is no television/ that does not see you. Calvocoressi's poetic intensity makes energetic identity politics into verse: Take my hand,/ take my whole life too. I've slicked/ my hair back, I've made myself/ a boy for you. This is a compelling sophomore effort from a very promising poet.

-- Bill Cibes, Leo Connellan, Jim Irwin, Andy Thibault, June 1998
photos to come ...


RSVP BY MAY 28,2010

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