Joe or Mary or Whoever Citizen
Public Servant
Dear Public Servant,
This is a formal request for prompt production of documents in accordance with the state Freedom of Information Act.
I request copies of any and all correspondence - on paper or electronic - to and / or from town officials regarding the TOWN / CITY ISSUE.
These documents are not exempt from disclosure. As you probably know, improper withholding of public records is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000. A denial of prompt production would result in a hearing in which subpoenas would be sought to compel appearances and the department / office holder would have to justify those actions and demonstrate what has done to comply with the law up to this point.
By prompt, I mean immediately, unless you can demonstrate to the FOI Commission that this would interfere with the normal course of business. This information is vital to the public interest. Accordingly, I request a waiver of any and all fees.
These records include but are not limited to: meeting minutes, memorandums, texts, phone logs and e-mails, etc.
To amplify, this request covers any and all public records about this matter in your possession or control, regardless of where they are stored, whether in your office and office computer, home and home computer, etc.
It is a Class A Misdemeanor CGS Sec. 1-240 to destroy a public record. Destruction of a public record is punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Thank you for your service.
Joe or Mary or Whoever Citizen
If you can't make it in person, just tune in to RegisterCitizen.Com (we'll have a link up prominently), and there you'll find a video feed of the class and a "live chat" session that will enable you to answer questions or add comments posted during the class.
Feb. 2, 11 a.m., South Windsor Police Chief Matthew Reed
Feb. 2, 8 p.m., Tom Hennick of the Connecticut FOI Commission
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