Saturday, December 03, 2011

Rotary Club Honors Championship Contender Boys' & Girls' Soccer Teams, Title IX Achievement

  • Litchfield-Morris Rotary

  • “I hope each of you is proud to be part of an historic team whose fight for equality in education, of which sports and fitness are an integral part, is legendary. In 1972, Title IX opened long-shut doors for young women by guaranteeing equal opportunity in education. Just as your trip to the State Finals was long and hard-won, so, too, has been the battle for gender equity.”
    -- Teresa Younger, Executive Director
    Ct Permanent Commission on the Status of Women

    Story and Photo By Ricky Campbell, Register Citizen
    Students from both teams were able to share their Class S state title runs Thursday to a welcoming group of Litchfield-Morris Rotarians, supporting not only their community, but the student-athletes, too. The seven representatives from their respective squads, and two coachers, were beaming with excitement, as they shared their experiences with the Rotarians.

    “We made history this year by getting out of the quarterfinals,” Cowgirls Head Coach Brian Mongeau said. “It’s really been a special year.”
  • Complete Article In RegCit

  • Setting the record straight on Litchfield, Connecticut's Title IX Girls' soccer case

  • RegCit P. 1: Litchfield Cowgirls' Title IX team a legacy for soccer

  • Title IX Impact On Education, Employment

  • Title IX Team, Championship Contenders, Featured In Hartford Courant

  • Litchfield.BZ Photos & Video Of Historic Cowgirls' Team

  • twitter@cooljustice

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