Thursday, September 25, 2014

It was not a rifle, says man who drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work on 11-22-63

Buell Wesley Frazier (right) is scheduled to speak Friday at 5 p.m. at the Bethesda Hyatt during the Warren Report conference hosted by the Assassination Archives and Research Center. Frazier told the Richmond Times Dispatch last year that contrary to the Warren Report, the package Oswald put on his back seat did not contain a rifle. Frazier met Thursday night with fellow presenters for the conference entitled "The Warren Report and the JFK Assassination: Five Decades of Significant Disclosures."
- photos by Andy Thibault

  • Richmond Times Dispatch article

  • Conference website

  • JFK references in 'more COOL JUSTICE'

  • - Nikki Mediterraneo of JFKLancer prepares bookstore for Warren Commission conference.

  • JFK Lancer

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