Monday, March 07, 2011

RC column 3-7-11: Freedom of Information Act under siege

-- Fellow Travelers The Lobotomist And ...

Connecticut’s Legislature thrusts an ice pick into the neck of its Freedom of Information Commission today, acting on the new governor’s intended initiative to save money and increase efficiency.

In this particular case, Gov. Dannel Malloy’s maneuver will achieve neither goal.

FOI is one of the few arenas in which rank-and-file citizens can level the playing field with well-insulated public officials who have no notion of public service and could care less. Its very existence goes to the core of our so-called democratic republic.

  • Complete Article

  • NEW: Powell -- The Price Of Integrity In Connecticut

  • PEARLMAN: Consolidation would weaken watchdog agencies

  • Pesci: Enhance, Don’t Eviscerate FOI

  • Public Defender Protection Act

  • *~* VIDEO -- Police Chief On Public Records: 'When In Doubt, Give It Out'

  • 1st 2 Months of the Newsroom Cafe

  • RCNewsroom Cafe Archives

  • In Smolinski case, Freedom of Information Act exposed police inaction, rallied families of missing persons

  • Prior Class Info

  • CT FOI Commission Website

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