Friday, September 26, 2014

Fmr Alpha 66 member Antonio Veciana: The anti-Castro movement in Cuba created solely by the CIA

Conference attendees, Assassination Archives and Research Center, Bethesda Hyatt, 9-25-14 - THE WARREN REPORT AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION: FIVE DECADES OF SIGNIFICANT DISCLOSURES
- photo via @searchersfilm

- photo by John Salatto

Editor's note: Veciana stunned 225 conference attendees Friday by going on the record in public regarding his direct knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald's relationship with CIA agent David Atlee Phillips. Veciana called the murder of President Kennedy a coup. Responding to a question by House Select Committee on Assassinations researcher and attorney Dan Hardway, "Would there have been an anti-Castro movement without the CIA?" Veciana said, "The CIA was solely responsible for the anti-Castro movement." Veciana is a Cuban exile, former CIA agent and founder of the hit squad Alpha 66 that failed in two attempts to kill Fidel Castro. Following is a background story via Jefferson Morley, author and former Washington Post reporter. Morley is the moderator of JFK Facts and plaintiff in the lawsuit, Morley v. CIA. seeking release of long-secret JFK records.

  • Kennedy was killed by the CIA, says a former agent

  • Conference website

  • JFK references in 'more COOL JUSTICE'

  • It was not a rifle, says man who drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work on 11-22-63

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